Modern fence design in nigeria (Electric,Barbed wire) July 2024

fences don’t only provide extra security to your home and property but they also enhance the appeal of your home, property and residence ; apart from adding beauty to our home’s exterior,

A fence can as well add value and equity to a property; fences in Nigeria plays a huge role, it helps to set boundaries, provide the needed privacy we so much desire.

we erect fence because of soo many reasons, but the primary reason most people erect fences in Nigeria is to secure their property, thereby creating a solid defence against thieves attempting to break in and also prevent unauthorised access to their property.

Again fence serves many purposes that we can not mention here, but the few of them is keeping your children and also your pets safe and secure.
that is why investing in a fence actually worth it.

There are many types of fences you can find around and they are made with various materials such as: vinyl, wood, metal, and chain link fences

Modern fence Design in Nigeria July 2024

fence design in nigeria

 Electric Fence Design in Nigeria

electric fence design

 Barbed wire fence in Nigeria

factors to consider when erecting a fence in Nigeria

So, When building or buying a fence there are few things you have to consider

Purpose of the fence:

what is the primary purpose of the fence, is it to provide extra security or just to enhance the beauty and exterior of your home. if this question is well answered then you can now decide the kind of fence to go for

Then Environment :

you should put into consideration the environment. is the environment always flooded or swampy? are you always having rain in excess? if your answer is yes then you should budget extra funds for a solid work else your fence might collapsed within few years.

local regulations:

Another important factor to consider is the government or the local authority, you know each state in Nigeria maintains a development authority that oversees everything concerning building or construction. so check and see what kind of fence they permit in such area.


choosing the right materials for your fence is the key. But while choosing this material you should take into consideration the cost and most importantly the durability of the materials you are using.

High a professional :

you need a professional to guide you through the whole process. most especially if you are building in a swampy environment that requires additional reinforcement with steel rods.

Finally, think about the design of your fence and how it will fit in with the overall look of your property

fence design in Nigeria

There are many different fence designs that you can find in Nigeria to choose from.
Some popular options you can easily find around include wood fences, picket fences, gothic fences, and lattice top fences

Electric fence wire

when going for an electric fence wire, it is best you go for a wire that is good conductor of electricity and the best; and most preferred is an Aluminum wire because it is the best for carrying a charge and it does it better than even steel. expert says that aluminium carry about four times charge than steel.

Another advantage of making use of an aluminium wire is that it resist rust but it is pretty expensive to buy.

Barbed wire fence

The barbs fence or the barbs on the wire are designed to help protect your property, it does better at deterring anyone from climbing over the fence.
when going for a barbed wire fence you should consider an aluminium barb wire because it won’t rust but it is very expensive.

Chain link fence and wire mesh fence

chain link fencing is another type of fence you can consider. but this kind of fence does not guarantee privacy because someone can still see through the fence.

you often see them in use in heavy construction site, light residential areas, gardens, farms etc.
when going for this kind of fencing please go for a galvanized steel one because it won’t rust easily.

Fence rail design

There are many different fence rail designs to choose from, depending on the style of fence you are looking to create. Here are a few popular options:

  1. Horizontal rails: the Horizontal rails features rails that run parallel to the ground.
  2. Vertical rails: Vertical rails actually runs perpendicular to the ground.
  3. Diagonal rails: This design features rails that run diagonally across the fence.
  4. Split rail: This design uses rough-hewn logs or rails that are split in half and stacked horizontally.
  5. Decorative rails: decorative rails can be used to add visual interest and detail.

perimeter fence design

perimeter fence design

fence design In Nigeria FAQ

How many blocks can fence 50 by 100?

the number of blocks you will need to fence a 50 by 100 plot , this is what we call one plot of land in most part of Nigeria. so its no small land. you should consider the height of the fence you have in mind.

But a typical Nigerian fence height is usually 12ft high and let us keep in mind that a space for a gate measuring 12 ft will be provided.

So, now a block of 3000 will be enough for this project. please have it in mind that 6 inches blocks will be okay for this project and that is our estimate here.

How many blocks will fence a 100 by 100 plot of land?

the number of blocks required to fence a 100 by 100 plot of land should be should be 3800 to 4000. although there might be a little damage so it’s best you make provision of an additional 200 blocked.

How many bags of cement will set 1000 blocks?

A bag of cement will set 45 blocks of blocks and it will still retain it solidness. so if a bag of cement can set 45 blocks, 1000/45= 22 bags of cement.
You will need 22 bags of cement and if possible 2 trip of sand.

How many blocks can a 50Kg bag of cement lay in Nigeria?

A 50kg bag of cement can lay 45 to 50 – 6 inches blocks however, we advise you stick to 45 pieces of blocks to maintain the solidity of the blocks

What is the maximum distance between two fence posts?

The maximum distance between two fence posts depends on the type of fence you are erecting, the hight of the fence, what the regulation agency permits etc. Although a typical Nigerian fence is between 8 to 25 feet apart.

What is the best fence height?

The best fence height you want to erect depends on the purpose of the fence. is it for security purposes and privacy reasons, to add beauty to your property or just demarcation purposes ?
a typical fencing in Nigeria has a backyard hight of 6 to 8 feet while the front view might be a little lower than this..

front fence design in nigeria

modern fence design in nigeria

house fence design in nigeria

pop fence design in nigeria

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